Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Year in Review

2014 was definitely the least productive year in SFF history due to my own personal issues and lack of funds to travel back to CU to film. 

Nothing was filmed this year for the first time in…um…ever?  However there are two scripts currently in pre-production to add to the ongoing series of short films Fortunate Ones which will hopefully be filmed this year. So that counts, right?  Right?  Maybe?

Although not a lot was edited, two projects were completed. 

Destiny, the first movie ever made for SFF, was finally released on DVD in a beautiful re-edited version where you can not only see everything clearly, you can actually hear the dialogue (yay!).  

C2, a short film produced in 2012, was finished and put up online.  It’s one of my favorite short films to watch which may have had something to do with why it actually got finished. 

And obviously since this blog hasn’t been updated since the end of October, I haven’t done a very good job keeping up with that blog, but that’s okay.  I’ll try to post something at least once a month in the future just for fun for the few people that read this (thank you!).

So, instead of focusing on what we didn’t do last year, let’s look to the future and see what will (hopefully) be coming up in 2015.

As previously mentioned, there are two new scripts that will be filmed this year (they will damn it!) for the Fortunate Ones series. 

One is called Intervention and is all about finding the man of your dreams and learning he’s not what he seems to be.  The other is called Wishes and involves a young mother, a genie in a bottle, and a few wishes that come true but not the way one would expect. 

There are a few short films that are very close to completion, so the following films will be completed, and some uploaded, this year:

I also hope to complete Volume 5 of The Gift Bearer.

This year will celebrate the 15th Anniversary of Pandora’s Box and the 10th Anniversary of Eidolon, so expect to see some videos and blog posts about these two productions throughout the year. 

I will hopefully be posting at least once a month throughout 2015, so here are some posts already in the works to look forward to:

Production Diaries for Charming, The King of Eflin’s Daughter, and Pandora’s Box.

Survivor’s Club moments from shoots for Pandora’s Box, Eidolon, and some Golden Band-aid Awards.

Three Characters 101 post about the most popular characters from the most popular productions.

Two more Lost Production posts and another Evolution of Filming called From Fake Kisses & Cuddles to R-rated Snuggles.

Is there anything you really want to see from SFF this year?  Any short film you can’t wait to see?  What are you favorite kind of blogposts?  Let me know!


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