Wednesday, October 21, 2020

13 Days of Halloween: Day 3 - Costumes!

My favorite part of Halloween is without a doubt the costumes! That probably my favorite part of filming things to - getting to put people in costumes. I LOVE COSTUMES! But even the pretty ones can be cumbersome. Some costumes are amazing, some are annoying, but at the end of the day they can be pretty fun., and if not fun then at least they're memorable. 

 This is an interview with the actors from the 15th Anniversary reunion in 2012 where they talk about the costumes they remember the most.

13 Days of Halloween: Day 3 - Costumes!

Everyone knows how much I love costumes - that's half the reason I like to film - so for the third day of SFF Halloween let's talk about costumes!  Here is a video from the 15th Anniversary Interviews I filmed back in 2011 about the actors' most memorable costumes.

UPDATE:  My computer crashed on Day 4 and so there were no more 13 Day posts for 2020.  Ah, 2020, that was complete dumpster fire of a year so my computer crashing while I was working on a deadline should have been expected...

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

13 Days of Halloween: Day 2 - Quatrain Scene 3D!

For the second day of SFF Halloween we'll get to see one of the 12 shorts from Quatrain!  Written by Diana Neatrour and starring Annamarie and Jacob MacLeod it's Scene 3D!  

(I think we might need to name the films something because scene # and director letter)

After you've watched the video you can enjoy this alternate version of the scene where the actors goof off, have fun, AND get all the lines right!

Monday, October 19, 2020

13 Days of Halloween: DAY 1 - Snack Shorts!

 Let's kick off the 13 Days of SFF Halloween with a brand new movie filmed this year!  Yes, it was filmed AND edited in the same year!  How the hell did that happen?!?  

Snack Shorts is a trilogy of delicious short films about salvation, revenge, and cheese crackers.

This video introduces five new members to the SFF company: Grace, Henry, and Clark Graaf and Asher and Elizabeth Johnston.  I know all five of these talented kids will be making more appearances in future productions! 

UPDATE:  My computer crashed on Day 3 and so there were no more 13 Day posts for 2020!

Monday, June 8, 2020

SFF's 24th Anniversary - Celebrating the Survivors!

Over the years there have been a lot of days when we film in bad weather - days so hot your eyeballs feel like they're frying, days so cold your hands might fall off, and rain pouring so hard you could almost drown on set. I’ve posted about these kinds of days before under the title of Survivor’s Club.  

But what is the Survivor’s Club and how do you join?  

Obviously it’s not a real club, we don’t have meetings or anything, but it’s pretty easy to join – just film with us a few times and odds are you’ll be miserable on the set at least once. 

When it’s a hundred degrees outside, or during a blizzard, or torrential downpour – or film for 18 hours straight, until 3am, or when you have a fever and feel like you’re dying, well basically if you and everyone is miserable you’re a Sine Fine Set Survivor. 

Since many of those scenarios happen with alarming frequency, it doesn’t take long filming with us to join the club.  Survive three or more hellish film shoots and you’ll be a card-carrying member of the SFF Survivor’s Club!

Why would you want to join this club?  I have no idea. You must be a masocist or something. Although I will admit that filming in general is pretty fun and going through hell on set has a way of bringing everyone closer together – at least you’re not alone in your suffering.  You can look back at the filming with pride that you survived. 

That brings me to what I want to celebrate today.  For the 24th Anniversary of Sine Fine Films, I want to salute those members who have survived many shoots with a Survivor’s Club Award.

There are four different levels in the Survivor’s Club.  Each company member receives a survival number that is equal to the number of “Days from Hell/Bad Weather Days” they have participated in.  

Three to five days gets you a Survivor Award:

Six to nine days gets you a Super Survivor Award:

Ten to twenty days earns you the How Did You Survive Award:

Anything over twenty days gets you the How Are You Still Alive Award, and probably a hospital bill:

Survivor’s Club Award members will receive (at their next film shoot) a Survivor’s Club Member Card and a first aid kit.  The higher your award level, the bigger the kit will be. When you graduate to a new Survivor level, you’ll get a new kit!  

Thank you to everyone who has survived these difficult yet sometimes fun days with me!