Friday, June 14, 2013

Interview with um...Me?

Each month we’ll interview a member of the Sine Fine Films Company, asking the same or similar questions, and learn more about the actors and crew.

This month I had trouble finding anyone who had the time to be interviewed (it's a busy month) so I guess I'll just interview myself.  Feels kinda weird and self-centered, but I am writing a blog about amateur films and TV shows I started making when I was in high school in a desperate attempt to pretend I have a life, so I guess interviewing myself isn't that big of a leap.  

So I'm Eleanore Stasheff and I've been with the company since the beginning in 1996.  I usually spell check these posts, but since it's about me and I'm not known for good spelling (or grammar apparently) I decided not to this time.  And here's a picture of me from a long time ago because I don't like any of the current photos of me. 

Q: How did you get involved in SFF? (And what possessed you to keep coming back for more torture?)

A: I started the whole thing via a group of friends, gypsy dancing, and a cornfield.  For more information watch this video.  

What possessed me to keep doing it? Insanity…and because it’s the only way I get to see people once a year.  Most of the actors won’t or can’t get together for a party (which is one day) but people will drive hundreds of miles for a film shoot (which is usually 3 days).  
So…yeah, people and insanity I guess.

Q: What was your favorite part to play?

A: Acting wise (yes, I have done some acting) it’s definitely Music.  That’s the only part I actually wanted to play, all the others were a matter of not being able to find anyone else before the shoot and having no one else to throw in front of the camera. 

Crew wise, well I love editing (it’s my passion and profession), but it’s also fun to see how other people edit the shows (ie…um…Brittany).  However, I really think my favorite role is as Producer – especially when I’m not the director!  It doesn’t happen very often, but I really love to watch other people direct, see other people’s camera work, and read scripts I didn’t write, and generally hang out on set helping out as needed.  For me the best part of any production is actually planning it – writing or reading the script, casting (or helping others cast if they want to), finding and arranging locations, getting the shooting schedule set and ready, designing or gathering the costumes, blocking the script – I love it all! 

But one of the best parts of just being the producer is being able to encourage others to discover or enjoy being behind the camera without having to worry about the overwhelming job of getting a production off the ground, setting everything up, and working out all the little details of prep.  The other best part is seeing what other people can do – watching the creativity of others and seeing the results, discovering each person’s unique take on a script or scene and enjoying the results which are often so much more creative than mine.  I have learned so much from the other directors like Andy Heller, Brittany Ann Whalen, Jacob MacLeod, and especially Edward Stasheff, and it has increased my knowledge, creativity, and simple appreciation for the art of filming. 

I direct to get it done more then to enjoy the process of directing – I love pre and post, but not really directing, I just do it because I have to and can’t often find others willing to do it.  I tend to get stuck in a rut, filming fast because there’s not a lot time and don’t feel very creative or inspired with my shooting abilities.  I do enjoy directing actors to try to get the best performance out of them (like a real director does when they don’t have to worry about the other tech stuff) but I pretty much never do that, because it takes time and I still seem to prefer quantity over quality.

Okay, that was long.  I’ll try to make it shorter from here on out (yeah, good luck with that Yibble).

Q: What was your favorite filming day?

A: Oh too many to pick just one so I’m gonna do my top 10 in no particular order.  Please bear with me this is gonna be long. 

I loved both film shoots at Ferne Clyff State Park in Goreville.  The Curse shoot was pure awesomeness and the Eidolon shoot was just so much fun (that whole weekend was a blast and a half).  Both were exhausting shoots but really fun in a fantastic location.  If you want details about the Curse shoot check this out.

The day when we filmed at the beach near Lake Forest (on Lake Michigan) for Eidolon was wonderful, because it was full of fun people and it was...a beach! I have wanted to film at a beach since Destiny III so it was great to finally get the chance to do that, and it was beautiful weather that day.  

The day we filmed all the horse scenes for Dream Chasers because I’ve always wanted to film with horses – it makes me feel like I have a budget.  Horses are cool.  I actually wrote all the sorcerer’s world stuff (basically Episodes 4-6) just to be able to film with the horses that Holly Simons brother-in-law let us use.  Now if I could only have had horses in The Gift Bearer or Pandora’s Box…

Some shoots that have had bad weather have turned out to be some of my favorites despite the elements, perhaps in part because of the feeling that if we can film in weather like that I can do anything!   This includes the blizzard day of Hulde – so cold, so snowy, but really fun for me, the hot day at Wesley filming scenes from Destiny, and the blistering hot day when we filmed the Devil and Kitta Gray, although the heat wasn’t what made that day fun – working with Rachel Zoralee and Tanino Minneci after ten years was the best part.

Filming the big fairy dance from The King of Elflin’s Daughter because…well…RAINBOW!!!!  Although it had been raining all day and I almost canceled the shoot, the evening turned out to be full of beautiful weather and gorgeous lighting.  Also, I worked really hard for weeks doing the choreography and it was wonderful to be able to see it being performed.  Nothing turned out as planned that day but it all turned out better than I could have hoped.

The whole weekend of filming last November where we shot Goddess Anonymous, Fortunate Ones: Only You, and C²  was one of the most challenging pre-production weekends since I was so determined to film even after several projects were shot down for various reasons, and the scripts were written only a day or two (or the night before) we filmed.  However, within an hour of shooting Goddess Anonymous I was immediately glad I had gone through with the shoot – it was hilarious.  The whole weekend of filming was so much fun and I got to work with fantastic (and patient) people. 

And of course the Parthenon Shoot for The Gift Bearer was completely awesome.  It was the first and only shoot where a group of us travelled to another state to film for the weekend.  We headed off to Nashville, TN to film in the recreation of the Parthenon there and that location was phenomenal.  So amazing!  Also the car trip there, the stay at the hotel, and everything really was just a wonderful and very memorable experience.  And I didn’t sleep, but that’s not unsual.  I rarely sleep well the night before a big shoot.

Oh, and Quatrain – both the filming and the writer’s workshop - because I was a producer and not a director and could oversee everything but also got to watch other people be creative and not have to worry about directing.  So I guess that’s eleven shoots, not ten.

And filming at Allerton for Destiny III.  It was a beautiful day, great weather, great people, great costumes, and it was the first time I actually blocked the scenes which made everything so much easier and so much faster to film.  Crap, that’s twelve!  It’s just so hard to choose!  I’ve loved so many!!!  It’s easier to name the ones I didn’t enjoy because that’s a much shorter list.

Q: What was your least favorite filming day?

A: This one’s easy: the day from Pandora’s Box when I had larangitis, the flu, was running a 101 degree fever, and one of the main actors didn’t show up (she had a good reason though).  Yeah, that totally sucked.  You need to be able to talk when you're directing and I sounded like Mickey Mouse on drugs.   I should have canceled filming, but that would have been smart and I’m so not known for that. 

Q: What’s your dream role?

A: I don’t have a dream role, but I do have a dream production.  Ready?  Here it is: Hollywood Bound - a Twisted Tales version of the Musicians of Bremen set in the 1920s with people instead of animals (but with animal attitudes maybe) headed for Hollywood to be famous movie stars on the silent silver screen instead of heading to Bremen to be famous musicians.  In the original they stay in a house, meet burglars and think they’re music critics, then chase them away with bad singing and decide to stay in the house and never actually make it to Bremen.  In this version, they hop a train that is being robbed by a Bonnie-and-Clyde style pair, meet a movie director who tricks them into thinking it’s an audition, and they beat the bad guys through acting so bad and reckless that the director is amused and impressed, hires them and they become B-movie stars. 

This would all be done in a silent movie style with title cards for the dialogue so it would be a loose script with a lot of adlibbing, and I would have a crew so I could direct the actors and not have to worry about all the other aspects while filming, and possibly have equipment like lights so there would be quality to the filming as well as the acting.  The train scenes would be filmed at the Monticello Railway Museum and I would have a whole day to work with the actors and rehearse before we start filming.

My dream cast would be Rachel Zoralee, Tanino Minneci, Michael Steen, and Annamarie MacLeod as the musicians, Jacob MacLeod and Brittany Ann Whalen as the train robbers, and Russell Martin as the movie director.  I probably won’t ever get to do it and certainly I won’t be able to assemble my dream cast to film it, but I can dream, right?

I would also love to do a version of Trojan Women on a real beach, and considering my current location that one might actually happen.

Q: What’s your favorite production to watch?

A: The Cursed Destiny of Pandora’s Gift Box is so much fun to watch, but I also really like watching certain episodes of Pandora’s Box, The Gift Bearer, and Eidolon.  My favorite short film to watch is Twisted Tales: The Devil & Kitta Gray because seeing Rachel Zoralee and Tanino Minneci acting together is fantastic. Have I mentioned how much I love The Devil &Kitta Gray?  It's probably my favorite short film at the moment.

Q: What’s your favorite costume, accessory, or prop?

A: This one’s a no-brainer.  My favorite costume is obviously the Balthazar Costume (after all I am dating him) because it’s sexy awesomeness.   My favorite accessory is Lavinia’s crown from Destiny II (which was also used for Zarina in Pandora’s Box) because it’s sparkly, and my favorite prop is the black gun from Mind Games and several other productions after including Dream Chasers and Eidolon, because I've used it so many times and it’s pretty cool.

Q: Who’s your favorite actor co-star/actor you’ve worked with?  Who would you like to work with in the future or work with more?

A: My favorite actor is anyone who films with me more than once.  Seriously though picking favorites is really really hard and I don’t want to upset or insult anyone so…everyone is my favorite!  I love filming with everyone!  But that’s probably going to be seen as the chicken’s way out, so here are several of my favorites in random order divided into four categories.

The first category are those who are really hilarious and always liven up any production they’re in or are just plain fun – Jen Weber, Rachel Anderson, Nina Samii, Kate Weber, Tanino Minneci, Margaret Olson, Virginia McCreary, Bryan Kieft, Michael Steen, Kevin Meyer, Michael Meyer, and the fantabulous Rachel Zoralee.

The second is people who are not only great actors but have worked behind the scenes a lot and really supported me through some tough times – Brittany Ann Whalen, Syndi Eller, Morgan Thomas, James McKinley, Andy Heller, Diana Neatrour, Edward Stasheff, Chris and Mary Stasheff (all the Stasheffs really), and the whole clan of MacLeods.

The third is people that I have had disagreements with and treated badly when I was insane, but have a huge amount of respect for – Jacob MacLeod, Russell Homan, Mike D., Kali Smith, Katie Johnston, and Christine Komiskey.

The fourth is people I haven’t worked with much or haven’t worked with in a loooong time, but want to work with more – Andrew Thomas, Dan Zangerl, Michael Bunnell, Chris Hutchens, Danny Skirvin, Jill Hutchison, Morgan Diektus, Ryan Segovich, Ryan Homberg, Kenny Gilbreath, and Harmony Komiskey.

However Annamarie MacLeod is the actor I’ve worked with the most so I guess she’s my main go-to gal and is made of pure awesome.

Q: Sum up each production you’ve been in using only one word or short sentence.

A: Oh dear god, I’ve been in all of them.  Well, here goes…

DESTINY – the original

DESTINY II – winter, brothers, and back story

DESTINY III – chase through Allerton park

DRAGON & UNICORN – complicated storyline, but kinda cool

FRUMPY GETS IT – scripts are not only good, they’re necessary

TROJAN WOMEN – Studio production is fun and fire is pretty.

NIGHTMARES – re-edited for a school project

KING OF ELFLIN’S DAUGHTER – Rainbow! Allerton! Cool music!

THE PERFECT COMBINATION – Rachel Anderson is hilarious and chase scenes are fun

THE VIGIL – Terrible costumes, my bad.

MIND GAMES – Dark, surreal, and Edward is awesome

DESTINY: THE MINI-SERIES – Reshoots and small ships

PANDORA’S BOX – Epic, muddy and bloody

DAY DREAMS – Serene and simple…and cold (for Jacob, not me)

THE LONG TAKE – Fun and I have no clue how to set apperatures.

THE CURSE – Regrets

THE GIFT BEARER –  Too many speeches, and cool locations (and costumes!)

THE ADVENTURES OF LUCIFER JONES – Ryan Homberg and psychic psychotic sidekicks

THE MEDEA SCHOOL OF MELODRAMA – Whim, and Jen + Sock puppets = fun

THE WALKING STICK – Creepy, and Frank the Bad Friend

ATTACK OF THE COOKIE PEOPLE – Silly and kinda stupid.  I’ll never look at pudding the same way again.

DREAM CHASERS – Messed up, and “Bite me!”

EIDOLON – Coming together (SIU+CU peeps)


QUATRAIN – Unfinished and Jacob is fantastic director

TWISTED TALES: CHARMING – Double the Rachels, double the fun!

TWISTED TALES: CINDERELLA – Starting over.  And wet.

                                                        TWISTED TALES: THE DEVIL 
& KITTA GRAY – Rachel Z + Tanino = insanely happy me



TWISTED TALES: MAGIC, INC. – Never film near a parade route on the 4th of July


GHOSTS AT PLAY –  Desperate

THE GIFT BEARER: TIME AFTER TIME – Reunions and flashbacks (and costumes!)

FORTUNATE ONES: FAERIE TALE – I need better lighting, and Morgan is creepy.

FORTUNATE ONES: FOREVER – Morgan is still creepy, and Kate and Drew are awesome.

FORTUNATE ONES: MAGIC-8 – Quick to film, and “dear god don’t hit the car!”


GODDESS ANONYMOUS – Carrots! And Shoobie and Boobie

C² – Sticky-stick, and I need another battery for the camera.

Q: Top 5 favorites: (not SFF related)

Favorite Color – Blue, specifically cobalt blue and turquoise

Favorite Movie or TV Show:
Movie – Duddley Do-Right and Love Actually.  TV Shows – Doctor Who, Firefly, Law & Order, Inuyasha and One Piece. Oh and Eidolon and Pandora’s Box (shut up, I like my shows).

Favorite Song or Band/Artist:  My favorite artist is obviously Chris Spheeris because his music is so freaking awesome!
To the Sky by Owl City (from Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole)
Some Nights by Fun
I Hear Music Everywhere from Barney (shut up, it’s a great song)

Favorite Food or Drink:
Food - Pumpkin Pie, Drink - Hot Chocolate with Amaretto flavoring.

Favorite Holiday:  Christmas because I love giving gifts, all the decorations and lights, and the general feeling of goodwill.  And snow. I like snow.  (not that you always get that on Christmas)

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