Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Survivor's Club - The Muddy Road Home

There are a lot of days when we film in bad weather - days so hot your eyeballs feel like they're frying, days so cold your hands might fall off, and rain pouring so hard you could almost drown on set. Each month we'll remember one of those horrible weather days and celebrate the survivors who braved the elements in order to film.  Why would we want to remember those days?  Because going through hell on set has a way of bringing everyone closer together when they can say they survived mother nature AND filming on a Yibble set.


Rain was forecast for the afternoon of the day we filmed Twisted Tales: Cinderella, so we filmed the outdoor scenes first.  The sky was cloudy and filming took quite a while, but it didn’t really rain until after lunch. We filmed on the Kansas City Renassiance Festival grounds and it was a bit of a hike from the office where we had lunch to the building where we were going to shoot the inside scenes. 

It had rained a few days before and the ground was a little wet, but – being the off season when the festival was closed and knowing the people who worked there – we were allowed to drive a van through the faire grounds to the shooting location. We parked outside the building a little ways away, and it started to really rain as we where heading inside.  By the time we were ready to shoot it was pouring. 

We filmed all the scenes we needed to and the rain varied between a light drizzle and a downpour, but since we were inside it didn’t really make a difference.  As soon as we were done, we packed up and waited for the rain to ease up before we went out to the car.  When we got to the van there was mud everywhere and as soon as we tried to drive back we quickly realized the car was stuck.  

By this point the rain was starting to get worse again.  There were four of us and it took everyone to help shove the car out the mud ditch we found ourselves in (well, one person was driving while everyone else pushed).  We finally got it unstuck with a big splash of mud all over us (well me at least, the others got out of the way quickly enough to avoid it).  Zan drove it back to the office and picked up her jeep to come back for the rest of us as we started walking through the deserted faire grounds, heading back.  By this time it was pouring.  Everyone was muddy and soaked (and of course I was worrying about one of the costumes while the van was stuck rather than the actress inside it – sorry Bri!).

Although the situation was certainly miserable, we were pretty much laughing and joking on the way back.  When Zan picked us up we gratefully climbed into the back of the jeep, then cleaned up at the office as best we good and headed home.  It was a rainy, messy day at the end but it was still a lot of fun and I loved working with these wonderful gals.

To those who survived the Muddy Road “Affaire”, I thank you and salute you:
Bri Arnold
Antatia Powers
Zan Powers

I’m sorry we all lost our dignity in the mud but we don’t have to time to go back and find it now.  Here’s a towel instead.

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