Monday, June 17, 2019

Interview with Chris Hutchens

Each month we’ll interview a member of the Sine Fine Films Company, asking the same or similar questions, and learn more about the actors and crew.

This month I’m interviewing the wonderful and dedicated Chris Hutchens who officially joined the company in the summer of 1996.

Q: How did you get involved in SFF? (And what possessed you to keep coming back for more torture?)

A: I was something like 7th call Ketlan. As with any improbable and high-impact event, it seems like it Happened For A Reason. All of a sudden I was reconnecting with old friends I hadn't seen in years and making new ones. And maybe more importantly, I was getting back in touch with an artistic streak that was sitting idle. It set me up for a more confident and *way* more fulfilling final two years of high school. In summary: Karma, Friends, ART.

Q: What was your favorite part to play?

A: Chevron was a great change of pace but I had trouble getting authentically angry. With De Carlo, we did the short series first, establishing the beginning and end of the arc. Filling out the middle part later with additional episodes was an interesting challenge. Ultimately though, playing Ketlan was one of the most fun things I did as a teenager, so I have to go with him.

Q: What was your favorite filming day?

A: D3 Allerton. We covered a lot of territory. Wasn't that when we had the zany hedge maze chase? We may have literally put blood, sweat, and tears into it! I remember I was having kind of a mopey morning, and I was doing a dance scene with Annamarie, and there wasn't much of a spring in my step... it felt like I was falling a little flat. 

She whispered in my ear, "Chris! Act!" This might sound silly, but I'm being 100% sincere here: that's the best advice anyone ever gave me. Nothing's going to happen without action. Want to turn things around *right now*? DO IT. At least take that first step. As I recall, Eleanore caught the moment on film, and you can see the transformation when I remembered how to turn the smile back on.

Q: What was your least favorite filming day?

A: The sad rainy day for King of Elflin's Daughter. You covered this one pretty well with a blog post. The company of 10,000 chirping Froedricks couldn't keep the blues away.

Q: What’s your dream role?

A: I'm living it. I lucked into a great job, found a wonderful wife whom I love dearly, and somewhat recently became father to a healthy and happy kid.

Q: What’s your favorite production to watch?

A: Mind Games. It had a darker tone, a smaller scope, but more intense story. More focus, I guess. Plus we had that totally sweet viewing party at the Planetarium. All in all, it was probably my favorite to film, too. It's hard for me to disentangle what I see on screen from my memories of the process behind the scenes. This one felt "next level" for us and may have been my best / most serious effort.

Q: What’s your favorite costume, accessory, or prop?

A: Ugh, this is so cliche, but there's a reason the Balthazar costume showed up everywhere. When I finally got to try it out (during the Year of Theatrical Birthdays), I was surprised how it changed the way I carried myself. 

I also liked Ali Jinjil's costume. And his sword was actually made of metal!

Q: Who’s your favorite actor co-star/actor you’ve worked with?  Who would you like to work with in the future or work with more?

A: All the MacLeods were inspiring on and off screen. Tanino made everything fun. Empress Zarina couldn't have been more different from Nina, and that's awesome. Several years ago I found myself on the train from Champaign to Chicago with Jill, and catching up with her brought me joy. Dang, I miss all y'all. As far as "working" though, these days I'd probably rather kick back and talk about art and the creative process than get in front of a camera.

Q: Sum up each production you’ve been in using only one word or short sentence. 

The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance (... and Ross teaches with a fake accent and is stuck with it all semester)

You were right -- a mother's love (and not romantic love!) is the most powerful force in the universe. I didn't really believe you until I saw it firsthand as a father.

DESTINY III:  What fun!

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Guitar is fun! Why didn't I start seriously trying to learn it then?

Nose Glasses

Captain gets the Cool Chair

DESTINY - MINI-SERIES: Excellent re-edit

Probably my biggest pure acting challenge, and I'm not sure I was up to it.


Script Reading: Constant Comment, scones, happy place.

THE LONG TAKE: Hahah, I had forgotten!

Q: Top 5 favorites: (not SFF related)

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Movie or TV Show: 
Hard to say, but right now I can't wait to watch The Dark Crystal with my son.

Favorite Song or Band/Artist:
Joni Mitchell

Favorite Food or Drink: 
Holiday Spiced anything

Favorite Holiday: 
Winter Solstice, because the days start getting longer. Also, Halloween is a big deal in my current neighborhood.

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