Monday, March 11, 2013

Interview with Kate Weber

Each month we'll interview a member of the Sine Fine Film company, asking the same or similar questions, and learn more about the actors and crew.

This month I'm interviewing Kate Weber who's been with the company since the beginning in the summer of 1996.

Q: How did you get involved in SFF? (And what possessed you to keep coming back for more torture?)

A: Long answer: I’ve been friends with Yibble since we were in third grade, and through the years we’ve done a lot of things that, in retrospect, might have been a little out of the ordinary.  Things like starting a literary magazine, putting on a puppet show, dressing our toys as Greek gods, that sort of thing.  We were all drama geeks in high school, so acting in a movie wasn’t much of a stretch. And while the hours could get long and the weather was never friendly, it was always a lot of fun, and something I’m proud to have been a part of. Something I wish I’d gotten a chance to do more of when we were living in the same city.

Short answer: Yibble’s mah FWEND.

Q: What was your favorite part to play?

A: It was pretty great to play Ryaka in Pandora’s Box. Prior to that all my roles had been more or less distilled insanity.  It was nice to do some actual acting. (Yes, I count “psychotic bitch” as acting. Shut up.)

Q: What was your favorite filming day?

 A: A lot of it’s kind of blurred together but I really liked some of the scenes in Destiny III out at the MacLeod farm, where Rachel Anderson and I just sort of sat around in the background and did whatever the hell we felt like. I was usually taking Rachel’s lead – she the one who came up with the Beans’n’Weenies song, for example.

Actually, it’s a toss-up, because Cursed Destiny of Pandora’s Gift Box was SO much fun as well.

Q: What was your least favorite filming day?
A: Gift Bearer: Time After Time, in Edwardian dress in triple-digit weather.  That kind of sucked.  I mean, it was still fun, but good lord I thought I was going to faint. 

Q: What’s your dream role?

A: I’d love to be the conflicted villain who eventually makes good, or the reluctant hero with angst problems.  Having a love interest would be pretty fun too.  Never had one of those. (In a movie, that is.  I like to think my husband counts as my love interest in real life.)

Q: What’s your favorite production to watch?

A: Cursed Destiny, hands down, if only for Mike Steen.

Q: What’s your favorite costume, accessory, or prop?

A: I still have the penguin from Cursed Destiny.  I’m not sure I had much else in the way of props. 

Q: Who’s your favorite actor co-star/actor you’ve worked with?  Who would you like to work with in the future?

A: Rachel Anderson and Jen Weber are always a joy.  I’d love to work more with them, and with Yibble (in an acting role, not just as director). I also thing it’s be fun to act opposite my sister.

Q: Sum up each production you’ve been in using only one word or short sentence. 

DESTINY – spontaneous

DESTINY II – flashback

DESTINY III – pirates!



DESTINY: THE MINI-SERIES (1999) – editing

PANDORA’S BOX – killing


QUATRAIN – unfinished?

TWISTED TALES: CINDERELLA (as writer) – whim




Q: Top 5 favorites: (not SFF related)

Favorite Color
 Uhhhhhh…honestly, I like blue and purple and green and many of the darker reds.  That’s over half the spectrum.  I’m not very good at this.

Favorite Movie or TV Show
 If we’re talking movie I could watch the most times, then probably the original Clash of the Titans

Favorite Song or Band/Artist
 Binary Souls/Other Dimensions…but I might be biased.

Favorite Food or Drink

Favorite Holiday
 Probably Christmas.  Honestly, any day I’m not at work is pretty excellent. 

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